Toriality's Blog

The History of MMOs (and where it all went wrong)


July 14, 2024 at 5:54 PM


July 17, 2024 at 3:19 PM





April 9, 2022




July 11, 2024


July 14, 2024





The History of MMOs (and where it all went wrong)


Rating: 10.0

Amazing video about a genre that I never were interested before, but now after watching it, I really want to play most of the mentioned games and learn more about MMOs. I highly recommend it even if you're not a fan of MMOs, theres a lot of interesting information there.

My Thoughts

Now that I finished watching it, I'll definitely look forward to download some of the mentioned MMO games (the noes that are still alive) and see how's the experience. Well, even the ones that are dead I might give it a try, if I can still find links to download them, since I find very intriguing to play dead online games.

It also made me want to have played World of Warcraft but well it's too late now and I wouldn't be able to pay the subscription for it when it was having its "golden age" anyways because I was a little kid, and the game nowadays doesn't seem to be in a good condition with all the micro-transactions and stuff.

Just like NeverKnowsBest's video about the history of RPGs, this one also opened my mind about this genre and I can now appreciate it much more.

Favorite Moments and Memories

  • The author's description of his personal experience with MMOs are very interesting even for someone who wasn't into MMOs.
  • The first sections where it shows the story of the genre that comes before MMOs: the "Multi-User Dungeons" (MUDs).

World and Life Events During My Watch

I started watching this in July 11, and finished it in July 14 (2024).

  • Some guy shot Donald Trump (July 13)
  • I was programming some new features and fixes for this blog (July 14)

Other Notes
